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"If you want to master emacs, it helps to believe in reincarnation, because there is no way you are going to learn it all in a single lifetime."
— The Unix Companion (page 491)

"More than any other computer system today, Unix will repay every moment that you spend learning and experimenting."
-- The Unix Companion (page xxviii)

"For some people, emacs is a way of life, like religion or football."
-- The Unix Companion (page 491)

"Unix is not like other computer systems. There is a feeling of elegance and charm that hides behind every esoteric command and within every technical rule."
-- The Unix Companion (page xxvii)

"emacs is not for weenies... Learning emacs will make permanent, irreversible changes to your brain cells."
-- The Unix Companion (page 498)

"UNIX is very simple, it just needs a genius to understand its simplicity."
-- dmr (Dennis Ritchie)

"Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions."
-- Nietzsche

Created by Rory - 2001
Last modified: 20071126